
Welcome to the Wesley Uniting Church Geelong and thanks for visiting our website.


We are a warm and diverse community here, in the heart of Geelong.

Our Congregation worships in this beautiful old church, which for over 175 years has been a place of prayer, of music and silence, where people have been sustained and challenged by the transforming love of God. Fashioned by that transforming love, we have always believed that the worship of God needs to be expressed in concrete acts of justice, kindness and care.

We believe that God is about transformation:

  • Transformation of the human heart

  • Transformation of communities

  • Transformation of our world, so fragile, so fraught by violence, degradation and prejudice.

We warmly value those, who over the years, have helped to shape our common life by their faith and dedication, vision and energy, knowing that as they were open to God’s leading, we too are drawn to new ways of expressing the love and justice of God.

We aim to be a vibrant, Christian community, known for its inclusive nature, committed to serving the Geelong community and involvement in civic life.

On Sundays at 10.00am we gather for worship followed by a cuppa in the hall where we mingle and foster our friendships.

We are seeking to build relationship with the wider community and beyond as we seek to witness to the love of God made known in Jesus Christ.

Please contact us.